Monday, August 27, 2012

Why the United States Can’t Survive

Why the United States Can’t Survive

Education; Economy; Culture/Morality/Religion; Media; Political Parties; Apathy

 I -Education

A)     Pride VS. Embarrassment

The United States was found on an idea. The idea was radical at the time but one that is taken for granted today by most Americans. The idea was that man has a God given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The idea that the individual is the foundation of self-rule and that no group of individuals has a right over any other group was a concept for the founding of a new government seen as revolutionary and radical at the time, and in some countries it still is.

The reason I open with a chapter on education should be obvious. If this country was founded on an idea, it can only survive with a thinking people. And a thinking people can only survive if they are willing to educate posterity to perpetuate the idea.

If you go out and ask ten people a question to name two of our founding documents, you would be lucky to get 4 of 10 that could name them. Ask someone under the age of 25 and you may get 2 out of ten. It might depend on the neighborhood you are in when asking the question, but it is disturbing how little time our education system spends on the founding of this country.

There is a propensity for educational bureaucrats to harbor guilt about the United States. Too often the people that develop public education curricula are being lobbied by small special interest groups to include topics in history and civics that spend a disproportionate time on other systems of government. These topics squeeze out the time needed to support the survival of this nation.

There is often a knee jerk reaction to talk about how history is written with a bias and kids spend time analyzing whether Columbus was a villain or a hero? I have no problem with analytical thinking and the importance of defending and debating positions. But in order to formulate counter positions to the American Experience, you need to know the American Experience inside and out. What we find in public education is embarrassment about our success and a reluctance to highlight our status as a force for good. Instead we hear about colonization, hording of resources, and a wrath of charges that need context to be properly understood.

This nation can’t survive without pride and understanding of the journey to the current state we find the United States. I am confident saying we will not survive if we are not willing to teach the citizens of this nation about the morality and positive contributions the United States has made to the world. By continuing to focus on the warts of history, we guarantee our demise as a nation.

There are no signs we are making any significant impact in this area. The education system is now being led by teachers that have been the product of this limited teaching of the founding principles of this nation. It cannot support a healthy future for this nation.

Monday, August 20, 2012

New Voters Must Think About VP Picks 2012

There is a lot of talk about Paul Ryan since his announcement as Mitt Romney’s VP pick. The talk has not been all good especially from partisan democrats. The criticism ranges from Paul Ryan is too young to being uncaring toward seniors and the needy. I personally think Paul Ryan was a stroke of genius by Mitt. He is caring in the fact that he is trying to save this nation from bankruptcy by being the one person willing to address the difficult budget issues we must face as a nation.

Paul Ryan has placed all the chips on black, and that black is the federal budget. The federal budget is sinking in red debt, and Paul Ryan is the author of a budget that addresses the areas in the budget that must be reformed in order to get back into a semblance of black. He addresses the biggest entitlement, Medicare, with thoughtfulness to current seniors, and the need for choices in the future for the younger folks to save the program.

Paul Ryan is a man that is not afraid to state the obvious and then defend it with details and plans that are easy to understand. He treats his position in government as any adult would. He is not afraid of the political backlash because he has done his homework and knows how to address any question thrown his way with a confident grasp of every detail because he has taken the time to study the facts.

In contrast, Joe Biden is the “junkyard dog” of Obama’s campaign. He is given his marching orders and goes out and does what he is told. Joe Biden has made gaffe after gaffe, and each time the media discounts it as “oh it’s just Joe Biden being Joe Biden.” That would be OK if he wasn’t a heartbeat away from being president.

The media has not done its job of vetting either President Obama or Joe Biden. Joe Biden is considered one of the most jovial politicians in Washington DC but is he prepared or capable of being president? Would you be more comfortable with a Paul Ryan presidency or a Joe Biden presidency? Joe Biden is not a very smart man. It is proven everyday he speaks and is backed up by his college transcripts. Paul Ryan is a very smart man and it is backed up every time he speaks and his college transcripts.

If the left wants to compare the VP slot I say bring it on. They have tried to paint a scary picture of Paul Ryan but they are finding it hard to do because the picture they are painting is not supported by the facts. The more the media focuses on Ryan and Biden the more aware the voters become about the scary possibility of Joe Biden becoming president.

And that is a truly scary thought: Joe Biden as president? The left should return to the failed attempt to paint Mitt Romney as the successful business man he is. The Obama campaign is imploding because they have nothing to run on and the two incumbent candidates are truly scary for this country. Neither has the right stuff to lead this nation to prosperity.

Just watch the two campaigns and what you see is two accomplished men, and two men with little accomplishment…